I try to think back to when I was the same age, remembering how I felt.

It seems so different these days. But is it?

Have things really changed that much or does it just seem that way?

This blog is about all things tween & beyond & my journey of trying to handle it all!

Witchery Kids has launched

Witchery Kids has just launched, adding it's range to the existing Witchery Store at Chadstone Shopping Centre in Melbourne. Many more stores are to follow   It's fabulous range of cool, casual gear is extended to 8-9 years.  Feedback on the Witchery Kids facebook page pleads a case for an extended sizing to 12 years! Come on Witchery I know you can do it.  It's such a great range and perfect for the tween market!  

Here's a taste....

For the girls.....
For the boys.....

1 comment:

  1. That is EXACTLY what I thought when I saw them launch this. I was so excited, and then so disappointed that they were only going to size 10. I'll be visiting their facebook page right now!
